
Friday 31 July 2020

The Best Matariki Day Ever

The best Matariki First On friday the 23 of july in glen innes school we had a matariki celebration.We had to make posters related to matariki and cook island made a hangi feast for everyone in GI school. people from other classes came to visit our class about matariki. kids from our class went out to talk about the things we have done. They understood then they moved on to another class. When we went to Rm4 they had to sing a song and it was matariki marklena so we were singing too but we sang louder and we were happy because we were singing for them. Then we went to the hall to have the haugi and room 2s and 3s went first then the older people and the cook island group made the huagi. Then it was room 8s turn we were happy because we could smell it. We standed up and went we made a long line and waited for our turn then it was my turn it was smelling nice.